Monday, January 28, 2008

Weekend Update

I really need to come up with catchier titles for these posts! Anyway, this weekend went very well. We spent Saturday up at my inlaws, and I always bring a project with me, something easy that I can work on and visit with everyone at the same time. This time, I brought both the green child's sweater and the Lucy bag, since I was so close to finishing them both. I was very pleased that I had the time to finish the crocheting the sweater and the knitting the bag on Saturday. Yesterday, I grafted the handles together on the bag, wove ends in, and seamed up the sweater. Now both are almost but not quite finished.

Here's the sweater:
Unfortunately, it's rather plain vanilla as is. So my intention is to crochet up some daisies and attach them around the bottom of the sweater, just to jazz it up. I just ran out of time yesterday.

And here's the Lucy bag:
I'm hoping that I can get it felted on one of the long weekends in February, and then it will be completely done.

Then, last night, I finished crocheting the watermelon squares. It will be a while before I get the afghan sewn together and edged, but I am glad to know the squares are done.

So here are my numbers for January: 10 projects completed, 8 frogged, and 6 more projects almost finished or well under way, for a total of 24 projects worked on this month. My Knit a Mile total is currently at 2,533.5 yards. I really can't imagine a more successful month - and there are still 4 more days to go!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

You go Girl!