Monday, May 14, 2007

Back From the Weekend!

And what a busy weekend it was! Everything went well, though. We had a lovely day yesterday, and I think the moms enjoyed themselves and felt appreciated. My plan was to get as much of the work done on Saturday as possible, so that I wasn't all stressed out when the company arrived on Sunday, and it worked like a charm. We actually had time to sit and read the paper yesterday.

I also made some progress on my preemie blankets over the weekend, too, although nothing is quite ready for its "close-up" yet. I essentially finished two blankets last night, with a 3rd almost there. However, I realized that one of the blankets I thought I had finished still needs an edging, so I do still have some work to do. I also finished one more WUA square and started another VA Tech square that is about half done. I will try to truly finish some thing or things tonight and post pictures tomorrow.

And the best part? I am looking forward to having 4 days off this coming weekend and my house is already clean! I have 2 more vacation days to use up before the end of the fiscal year in June, so I am taking them this weekend. I might just make that goal of 10 preemie blankets done by next Sunday after all!

1 comment:

Deneen said...

Yay for your preemie blankets!

Now that you have extra time, wanna come here and clean for me?