Monday, September 11, 2006

Think Pink, Think Red, Think Scarves

Over the weekend, I had CNN on briefly, and the anchor was interviewing a man affiliated with the website My Good Deed. He was advocating turning the anniversary of 9/11 into a day of doing good deeds and volunteer work to honor those who died on that day. In that spirit, I would like to spend today's post talking about some charity opportunities I found while poking around the Internet this weekend. Now that I am emerging out from under starter kits for the Knit Out and baby hats for Save the Children, my thoughts are turning toward scarves.

Think Pink is a blog I found thanks to Whip Up. They are collecting pink scarves now to be distributed to breast cancer survivors in October. (October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.) I know there isn't a lot of time left, but I am going to try to make one scarf to send along. I am also going to keep an eye on the site, because it sounds like they may try to do this again next year.

The Red Scarf Project is being sponsored by the Orphan Foundation of America, and they will be collecting scarves in January to send to college students who don't have any family of their own. I made a scarf and sent it in last year, and this year I am going to try to make more than one. Having been a college student and then an adjunct professor for so many years, this project really touches my heart. The blog isn't accepting participants but will post links to finished scarves. Also, entrants into the Knit Out's scarf contest will also be donated to OFA. Just be aware that OFA does have some strict size and color requirements for the scarves. Both sites that I link to detail those requirements.

Finally, yesterday was my guild's scarf contest. I didn't win, but I had fun entering. As promised, here is a picture of my scarf. This one is part of a hat/mitten/scarf set going to the Salvation Army, but being red, it does fit right in with today's post!

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