Monday, February 05, 2007

More Good News!

Two of the charities that I have been involved in came to an end (for now, at least) last week, and both far exceeded their goals! Behold the power of the Internet and of knitters and crocheters when the word goes out and they get motivated:

First up, the Red Scarf Project. I believe the OFA had a goal of 2,500 scarves. From Norma we hear that last week they had received 5,500 scarves and were expecting 6,500 by this past weekend! Holy Cow!

And from Dee, Save the Children had an event on Saturday to send the caps on their way, first to Washington, D.C. and then around the world. Again, I believe that the goal was 250,000. They actually received 282,000 caps! Again, Wow!

So, if you participated in either charity drive, or even if you helped out with another charity project, stand up and give yourself a pat on the back! You deserve it!

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